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Positive Behaviour Support

Registered NDIS


Assessment, Reduction and Elimination of  Restrictive Practice 

Letters of Recommendation for Behaviour Support 

We currently 
service the 
following areas


Cairns and surrounds

Atherton Tablelands

Torres Strait Islands

Cape York Communities 




Greater Geelong areas

Golden Plains

Surf Coast Shire 

Bellarine Peninsula 


Behaviour Support Under the NDIS.

​Behaviour support is a proactive approach aimed at improving the quality of life and minimising challenging behaviours through positive interventions. It involves assessing the reasons behind behaviours and developing individualised strategies to teach new skills and promote positive behaviour. This support is often provided to individuals with disabilities or those facing behavioural challenges, focusing on enhancing their communication, social, and adaptive skills.


The goal is to reduce the need for restrictive practices and create supportive environments that encourage positive behaviour changes.




What does a Behaviour Support Practitioner do?


Behaviour Support is a service designed to help participants improve their quality of life by addressing and reducing behaviours of concern. These are actions that might be harmful to the individual or those around them.



Behaviour Support is all about

improving the quality of life

for the participant


Behaviour Support Practitioners are skilled in assessing challenging behaviours and implementing evidence-based interventions to promote positive behaviour change. By identifying the underlying causes of behaviours and implementing individualised strategies, they help individuals develop adaptive behaviours and reduce problematic ones.


Behaviour Support Practitioners focus on reducing the risk of harm associated with challenging behaviours. Through assessment and intervention, they work collaboratively with all stakeholders to create environments that promote safety for both the individual and those around them.


Behaviour Support Practitioners often work as part of multidisciplinary teams, collaborating with educators, healthcare professionals, caregivers, and other stakeholders. Their expertise in behaviour management and intervention complements the skills of other team members, resulting in comprehensive and coordinated support for participants with complex needs.


By addressing behaviours proactively and implementing effective strategies, Behaviour Support Practitioners help prevent crisis situations and work towards the reduction and/or elimination of restrictive practices. 


Core Principles. â€‹


  • Understand: They try to understand why a person might be behaving a certain way. Maybe they’re upset, frustrated, or need help with something.

  • Teach: They teach new ways to handle situations or communicate their needs.

  • Help: They help change things in the person’s life that might be causing stress or problems.

  • Support: They give support to the person and their supports, helping everyone learn how to work together for a happier and healthier life.



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